Tuesday 11th June 2024 : 7pm, Kincraig Community Hall, Wainford Room

Chair: Gary Culpan                       Secretary: Geraldine McNab

Vice Chair: John Forbes-Leith           Treasurer: Susan Libeks


In Attendance: David Kinnear;(DK) Ian Ash(IA), Jonny Freshwater(JF); Alan Cairns(AC); Gary Culpan,(GC) Susan Libeks(SL)

Apologies: Geraldine McNab (GM); John Forbes -Leith (JFL) Russell; Jones(RJ)  Kenny Deans(KD)

1        Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest  

Opening of the meeting: 

Following the recent passing of Andrew Brien and John Anderson, KVCC Formally recognised their considerable contributions to the community over many years and we send our condolences to their families.

2        Minutes of the Meeting held on the May 14th 2024

Amendment - DK name incorrectly spelt

Minutes Approved by DK; seconded by JF

3        Matters Arising

Badenoch storylands board -permission from JFL to put it near the telephone exchange / Knoll opposite the post office café.

GM – did you send the letter re the 20mph support as RJ requested ?

Croft planning letter from objectors – raised and replied by the Chair as this came post the meeting where decision was made.

4        Planning & Roads

4.1       24/02138/CLE- 2 Railway Cottages Dalraddy – Short term let application No comment

4.2       24/02139/CLE – 1 Railway Cottages, short term let application No comment

4.3       24/02387/CLE- West Lodge, Dunachton – short term let application No comment

4.4       24/02396/CLE – Land 25M SW of Torbreck Cottage Change of use to short term let  :OBJ as no plans / details as to what the short term let is for and what we are being asked to make a decision on.

4.5       Work being done on Speyside Way– work has been approved. We appreciate this but still need to push for upgrades to other parts of the path.

5        Reports

5.1       Treasurers Report: Income £11.21; Expenditure £91.97 for D day flags etc. = (80.76 ) monthly change.

Current account £584.21        Funds reserved account £12005.68

5.2       Repairs update (IA)

Update from RJ by email re lights on Kincraig bridge being upgraded by end June ( one side only initially). He is still pushing for new bus shelter.

D Day flags – thank you to Jonny Freshwater and the Loch Insh team for the new flag Pole.

Needs to be used as promotional flags for village going forwards.

Discussion of various flags to be flown throughout the year – get a collection and store them – IA

Look into etiquette / protocol re half mast flags / displays

Funerals for Andrew Brian & John Anderson, fly saltire at half mast Monday to Wednesday.

5.3       VABS KVCC plans – discussed see 6.1

5.4       Police community liaison report – not available- we need to take photos of speed signs in the evenings – IA to Ask Lorraine Rose to volunteer. Use high vis jacket. JF  also offered to loan video to film one hour of speeding.

A9 needs toilets – many laybys are polluted – needs action – letter to BEAR Scotland – need to be considered when dualling A9 as not currently in the plans.. Scottish Government issue. Whole of Highlands has issues. Feedback to RJ re environment / pollution to take this forwards to solution etc..Copy in KD

6        Kincraig Development Projects

6.1       Vabs report prioritise further documents to come – should be delivered throughout the village and then get people involved in driving the plans with small group projects

7        Correspondence

7.1       Highland Windfarm update- Scottish Government initiative, community partnership discussion – we would need legal representation to ensure we were correctly represented. Land reform act new in 2025 for community buy outs etc.. ie community woodland. Community development team would be required. It’s a 25 year plan.

7.2       Clune Windfarm – is this relevant to Kincraig – ask the question

7.3       Community Briefing 31st May – need to use this to assist with community development funding schemes goings forwards.

7.4       The Repair Shop – sent to Alvie Estate and Loch Insh also sending in application.

7.5       Insh Parish Church/ Alan Marshall letter- invite to a future meeting to do a  short presentation on plans.

7.6       River Feshie Letter of concern -acknowledge concerns – suggest approach the groups who are using it.

We have no jurisdiction but we will support  - but we know that the river is totally protected and cannot be affected in any way. JF will contact the companies using the river as to avoiding further erosion. Try and bring them all together to find a solution.

7.7       Scottish Fire & Rescue – require community feedback from on line survey. All to do individually by 30thJune.



Any Other Business

Next meeting Tuesday 9th July 2024