KVCC Meeting minutes 9th January 2024.

Attendees: Gary Culpan (Chair) David, Kinnear, Alan Cairns, Kenny Deans, Johnnie Freshwater.

Invited Guest; Gavin Miles (CNPA).

Apologies: John Forbes-Leith, Geraldine McNab, Susan Libeks.

1.0: No declarations of interest.

2.0: Minutes. Received by all, no Matters arising.

4.0: Planning and roads.

4.1. Gavin Miles presented to the Council regarding ‘Planning obligations. The Q&A mostly focussed on the community receiving a level of financial assistance from local building developments to enhance the wellbeing of the village and surrounding vicinity. He also advised that a comprehensive list should be compiled in preparation for monies becoming available.

Gavin was thanked for his attendance, especially as it was a very cold night.

4.2: Application 23/05568/FUL– neutral response from the CC.

5.0: Reports.

5.1. Treasurers report, unavailable due to Susan being in hospital.

5.2.  Repairs update: Nothing mentioned.

5.3. Police Report. Nothing received.

6.0:  Events:

6.1. Senior’s lunch: Feedback mostly good, more people to be notified if possible.

6.2. March 2nd fund raising dance.

  • Johnnie to approach the band.
  • A list of possible auction items. Jonnie said he will donate some auction items.
  • Auctioneer, in the absence of a professional auctioneer Gary has offered his services.
  • Bar and licence will be covered by Alan, Johnnie volunteered some equipment.
  • Timings; Dependant on the band’s availability. However, 7 / 7.30 start, 8.00 band starts, 9.30 break, auction etc, Band starts 10.00 / 10.15 to 11.30 band finished, last orders 11.30. hall cleared by 12.00 midnight.
  • Ticket sales etc: ASAP.
  • It was decided, regarding the fund-raising event, that responses couldn’t wait until the next meeting.

7.0: Kincraig and area development projects.

7.1. Kincraig path: now opened formally. Well done to Susan for her tenacity.

7.2. Ideas bank: better discussed when there are more attendees.

7.3. Welcome signage. As above.

8.0: rewilding. No response.

9.0: AOB. No other business, Next meeting set for the 13th of February 2024.