Kincraig & Vicinity Community Council AGM 14th May 2024
Kincraig Community Hall 7pm
Present : Gary Culpan , Susan Libeks , Alan Cairns , David Kinnear , Jonnie Freshwater , Ian Ash , Geraldine Macnab
Apologies : John Forbes Leith
Adoption of Minutes May 23 :Approved -S Libeks Seconded – A Cairns
Matters Arising :None
Chair report : Gary commented on the successful fundraising event and generous donations. He thanked everyone involved.
Treasurer report : 2024 has seen a turn around for CC finances.
Despite the fixed Highland Council Grant with the fund raising auction night in March we had an overall net income for the year of £3695.06. The first time in 5 years.
It is of course an operating loss of £305.94 if you remove the £4001.00 Funds raised.
In Dec 23 we changed the way of booking the Seniors Christmas Lunch event – which we subsidised instead of asking for voluntary contributions. Thanks must go to Loch Insh for their excellent hospitality and also for the generous donation of drinks from Balavil Estate, minimising the overall cost for everyone. The cost to KVCC was £202.30 (it was £505 last year) The feedback was that we needed to better communicate the event and we have therefore collected emails for sending out information in 2024. No issue with them buying tickets. We do need to find a solution for on line buying / card payments. Event Brite ?
We again shared the costs of delivery of Memorial wreaths with Alvie Primary and Kingussie High Schools reducing the overall cost to everyone.
The major project of the year was of course completing the new footpath by the church.
Huge thanks to the support and funding from the Cairngorm National Park, to Jamie Williamson for his continued support through some difficult months, to Ali McKnight for project managing and to Barrier Matters for the solutions they found to get the barrier finally finished. The total cost of this project over the past 2 years has been in excess of £70k.
The recent feedback from the community on the projects they want to see in future years will be the basis for KVCC spending of monies raised going forwards.
Annual Income £6081.41
Annual Expenses £2386.35
Net Income £3695.06
CNP Footpath Project funding has been kept separate from the working accounts
Election of Office Bearers : No Change
Chair: Gary Culpan
Vice Chair: John Forbes-Leith
Secretary: Geraldine MacNab
Treasurer: Susan Libeks
AOCB : None
Next AGM 13/05/25