Meeting held 7.00 pm on Tuesday 9th April 2024 Kincraig Community Hall
Chair: Gary Culpan Treasurer Susan Libeks Secretary Geraldine Macnab
Present: Gary Culpan , Susan Libeks , Geraldine Macnab , Alan Cairns , John Forbes Leith , Ian Ash , Cllr Russell Jones .
1.Welcome & Aplologies , Declarations of Interest : The chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies received from David Kinnear
Declarations of Interest – 4.3 -GC & JFL 4.8 GC
2.Minutes of Last Meeting:
The minutes from 13th February Proposed A Cairns Seconded G Culpan
Minutes January to be carried forward.
3.Matters Arising:
No matters arising
Planning & Roads
4.1 24/00780/FUL2 Inshriach Farm Cottages -22nd April
Extension to farm cottage . KVCC – Neutral stance
4.2 24/01004/FUL 124 solar panels at Altnacriche -24th April
No neighbour comments . KVCC – Neutral stance
4.3 24 /01107 /SCOP Land 5000m SE of Farmhouse Tomatin . Highland Wind Farm proposal – Alvie ,Dalmigavie ,Dalraddy ,& Dunachton Estates.
Access off A9 at Dunachton but not visible from Kincraig . Annual community benefit to Kincraig would be substantial ,KVCC need to ensure that local benefit is secured .
Community meeting planned in Kincraig for 17/4 , SL will ask Fiona Milligan who is organising the meeting to request local opinion following the meeting.
4.4 24/00637/FUL Phase2 Scotia Homes, Baldow.- More affordable homes planned for this development . KVCC note that connecting paths between all housing areas are not shown and need to be
put in place . KVCC note that Planning Gain must be made available to the local area . Cllr R Jones will liase with Highland Council to ensure KVCC are kept informed.
4.5 24/00722/FUL Erection of house .Deadline passed but KVCC note change to original planning regarding road access.
4.6 24/01057/FUL Use of land for Shepherds Accommodation Land 110m NW of Balachroick House , Feshiebridge.
Static van for use of Shepherd on croft land. KVCC Neutral stance .
4.7 23/0445/DET Repair & upgrade of existing hill track Balavil House PH21 1LU
Retrospective planning for resurfacing of hill track damaged during tree planting.
4.8 Roads Damage Insh & B970
Recent increase in Timber Lorry transport has resulted in significant road damage. Erosion of verges and breakdown of tarmac leading to potholes on the B970 and other local roads .
Cllr R Jones comments that this is known to the Highland Council Road Manager Stevie Grant and action will be taken perhaps using the Timber Transport Fund for finance.
GM will write letter of support for road repair.
5 : Reports
5.1 Treasurers Report : Recent fundraising evening resulted in a profit of £3901.
Annual insurance and website renewal have been paid.
5.2 Repairs Update -none
5.3 Democracy Matters – Community Action Plan . Forms distributed locally ,30% returned so far.
5.4 Police Report – No police presence this month .KVCC will send invitations to Liaison Officer & Inspector to next meeting.
6: Kincraig Development Projects :
6.1 Fundraising -Successful Auction & Ceilidh at Hall recently
6.2 Scotia Homes Project ideas – when funding available
6.3 Ideas bank -New Kincraig Signage on order and waterproof Notice Board.
6.4 Defibrillators -Replacement needed at Village Hall, this will be arranged . Scotia Homes will supply 1 Defib at new Estate . 1Kingussie will manage both defibrillators.
Main road signage needed .
Cllr R J has experience organising Defibrillator Training . He would be happy to train trainers if list of local volunteers was compiled.
7: Correspondence
7.1 Feis Spe -October Kincraig .Young Musicians will use Kincraig as a base for 1 week with perhaps concert at end. KVCC agreed to contribute £60 for Advertising Banner
7.2 Community Briefing – Large list of Funding Sources
7.3 Scottish Water – Online survey of public opinion of water quality
7.4 New Ward Manager – Mark MacKay
7.5 NHS Survey Directory of Support Services – KVCC no comment
7.6 Local Nature -KVCC no comment
7.7 Reminder – Fire Consultation to be completed by 15th April
8: Any Other Business
Kincraig Village Hall plans renovation of the stage area and lighting to make it a more attractive venue for events. They request KVCC contribution towards this and will work on costings .
Cllr RJ reports that lighting on the Spey Bridge will trial soon, initially on one side .
Date of next Meeting: Tuesday 14th May at 7.00pm Kincraig Village Hall
Community Council Meetings are ‘open meetings.’ All residents are welcome