Tuesday 12th November 2024 : 7pm, Kincraig Community Hall, Wainford Room

Chair: Gary Culpan (GC)                         Secretary: Geraldine McNab (GMN)

Vice Chair: John Forbes-Leith (JFL)                      Treasurer: Susan Libeks(SL)

Present: GC, SL, JFL, Jonny Willet (JW) Jonny Freshwater (JF) Alan Cairns ( AC) David Kinnear (DK)

Russell Jones (RJ) Alice Fogg(AF)

1        Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest 

Apologies: GMN, Ian Ash(IA), Kenny Deans

Interest noted by JF in planning application re Loch Insh Ice RInk

2        Minutes of the Meeting held on the 8th October 2024

Read and accepted:  Proposer: JFL;  Seconded SL

3        Matters Arising

o/s action points re projects in minutes

o/s Seniors lunch Loch Insh

PRESENTATION – Alice Fogg, Interim Chief Officer, VABS  – after a short presentation Alice joined our meeting.

Alice takes over in March 2025. The Final Community action plan has been signed off so it will now be circulated and published.

Hard work to deliver it going forwards which will be led by CC and other community organisations and guided by VABS.

4        Planning & Roads
4.1        New applications

24/04189/FUL Installation of septic tank and outfall (2020/0220/DET) Land 550M SE Of, Farmhouse, Killiehuntly, Kingussie: neutral stance
24/03917/FUL – formation of Ice Rink Land 95M SE Of, Loch Insh Water Sports, Insh, Kingussie, support local business
24/04179/S42 Application under s42 to amend Condition 1 (16/00846/FUL) Use of farm steading as commercial kitchen with ancillary meeting room facility, laundry, manager's office and flat (short term letting unit -in retrospect) The Hayloft, Killiehuntly, Kingussie, PH21 1NZ, Neutral stance
24/04359/FUL – Erection of extension Druim-Mhor, Loch Alvie, Aviemore, Neutral stance
24/04380/PNO-Peatland Restoration land 1.5KM NE Of Stormbreaker, Feshiebridge, neutral stance
24/04268/FUL Glen Tromie Distillery development – support local business
4.2        Short term let applications:
24/04181/CLE : The Kennels Glenfeshie- neutral stance

5        Reports
5.1        Treasurers Report

Accounts presented, monthly expenditure £209.65

Wreaths purchased for the community – 1 payment still outstanding from Alvie Primary to come in.

Sponsorship of Feis Spe in the village and room hire costs.

Bank charges - £4.25 from January 2025 accepted by committee

AF is doing research re bank accounts for Community Councils and will advise of any charge free accounts available.

Current account £285.27        Fundraising and reserved funds account £12563.30

5.2        Repairs update (IA) – not available this month

5.3        Police community liaison report  - not available this month

5.4        National Park 2030 Community Drop in -Kingussie 29th October SL attended: Dan Harris will attend Kincraig CC meeting in January to discuss what we need actioned in Kincraig to deliver our plan. Questions to be compiled and sent to him before the January meeting – discuss at December meeting.

5.5        B&S Community Drop in -Boat of Garten 5th November GC: not really sure what the purpose of this event was. GC and SL attended and reported back on who was there.

6        Kincraig Projects & Events

6.1        Bus Shelter – still being chased by RJ, transport team did not show to his scheduled meeting

6.2        Welcome signage – o/s ( SL ) take forward in the new year.

6.3        Remembrance Sunday – feedback – thanks to Ian Ash for organising and Church of Scotland, Primary and High schools for their input. Thank you to the Policeman for giving up his own time. Note to go to Police for their support.(GMN) Ian Rathbone piper who stood in at the last minute.

6.4        Seniors Festive Lunch – update – mtg JF & SL to resolve – Wed 18th December.

Need community newsletter delivered –need someone interested -  maybe speak to the high school to bring a newsletter together. Need to find someone to manage it. List on CAP of people interested in assisting with projects.

6.5        Football goals purchased and delivered – they want 1 set more – agreed at the meeting.

Re community equipment - Peter Mackay has CC gazebos , these are to go to Loch Insh, JF will uplift.

6.6        Drumguish Notice Board – completed – New QR code to be put on all notice boards to save printing minutes etc. SL will sort- messages to Andy & Ian to say thank you (GMN)

6.7        Auction & Ceilidh Night 29th March 2025

7        Correspondence

7.1        VABS AGM 18th November – GC to check diary re attending

7.2        Highland Council Policy briefing - issued

7.3        BEAR Scotland Newsletter -issues

8      Any Other Business

Litter picking equipment – check JA garage with Peter McKay – SL to contact Peter.

There is a WARD discretionary fund for community projects.  Suggest we ask for second set of Goal posts. SL
Next meeting Tuesday 10th December