Tuesday 9th July  2024: 7 pm Kincraig Community Hall, Wainford Room

Chair: Gary Culpan                            Secretary: Geraldine McNab

Vice Chair: John Forbes-Leith           Treasurer: Susan Libeks

1        Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

2        Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11th June 2024

3        Matters Arising

PRESENTATION – Alan Marshall, Peter McKay and Paul Bayton re Insh Church

4        Planning & Roads

4.1       Highland Council Consulation Alvie Quarry

4.2       Short term let applications:

24/02846/CLE- 2 Wester Delfour, Alvie

24/02844 / CLE – 3 Wester Delfour, Alvie

24/02842/CLE – Blackmill Farm Cottage, Feshiebridge, Alvie

24/02841/CLE – Easter Delfour Farmhouse, Alvie

5        Reports

5.1       Treasurers Report

5.2       Repairs update (IA)

5.3       Police community liaison report – not available this month

5.4       Update on A9 toilets report from last month (RJ)

6        Kincraig Development Projects

6.1       Bus Shelter

6.2       Kincraig Bridge Lights

6.3       Flag Pole – update on flags and etiquette

7        Correspondence

7.1       Tromie Bridge Road Closure 7am Friday 12th – 5pm Sunday 14th July

7.2       Scottish Community Councils newsletter and funding sources

7.3       Highland Council Ecology Strategy

7.4       Kincraig Fun Day 21st September

7.5       Kyllachy Wind Farm Proposals – 2 documents

7.6       Community Briefing 28th June

7.7       HOIP Board update and survey

7.8       Meeting with Emma Roddick MSP

Any Other Business

Next meeting Tuesday 10th September