Tuesday 10th September 2024 : 7pm, Kincraig Community Hall, Wainford Room

Chair: Gary Culpan(GC)                                Secretary: Geraldine McNab( GM)

Vice Chair: John Forbes-Leith (JFL)             Treasurer: Susan Libeks(SL)

1        Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest 

In Attendance:  GC,  JFL, SL, Jonny Freshwater, John Willett; Jessica Boughey, Russell Jones

Apologies: Geraldine McNab , David Kinnear, Alan Cairns, Ian Ash, Kenny Deans          

2        Minutes of the Meeting held on the 9th July 2024

Proposed and accepted by JFL,

Seconded by SL

3        Matters Arising none

PRESENTATION – Jessica Boughey – explaining her role.

Community Support Officer – Inverness & South

Jessica has 4 key roles relating to Community Councils, She Liaises CC rules & Reg to assist in all councillor roles.

Provides information and support on Fundraising; Advises and supports on  Asset Transfer – council facilities transfer to community ownership/operation; community food growing  projects– water supply / land resources

She is available for guidance and support to the CC when we need it.

GC Thanked Jessica for attending and the useful explanation – we have contact details for support.

4        Planning & Roads

4.1       New applications

24/03392/PIP– Plot 1 Insh ( by Larchfield Cottage  )

24/03224/PIP – Plot 2 Insh ( by Larchfield Cottage)

24/03027/FUL – use of garage as short term let, Tomdhu Kincraig

24/02907/FUL – use of property as short term let Hillview, Dalraddy, PH22 1QB

4.2       Short term let applications:

24/03501/CLE- Birchwood, Dalnavert

24/02411/CLE– Mountain View Lodge, Inveruglas

24/03683/CLE – Aonach, PH21 1NY

No presentations to CC from any interested parties so  Neutral response to  All

5        Reports

5.1       Treasurers Report – we have received our Annual grant from the Highland Council and with some interest accrued we have + £513.74 this month. £1077.24 in current account,  £12042.71 in reserved funds.

Suggest we progress ‘Welcome to’ Signage in village – quotes required (SL)

Discussion on Brown signs – who does updated ones-  Businesses in the village to sort, not CC

Discussed signage by A9 – again agreed this was commercial not CC

5.2       Repairs update (IA) received in his absence

The bridge lights have been partially replaced. Looking good.

They still must remove the old ones and do that side as planned.- it was agreed at the meeting that the one set of lights were perfectly adequate, but we should ask for the old ones to be removed as they are unsightly.

Thanks to Alan Marshall for his drawings and to Russell for getting this through.

The pothole on the pavement was repaired very quickly by HC. Thanks.

Defib at the Primary School should be in very soon. Donated by Andy Scott's company. 

Can the hall one be adopted by One Kingussie – Russel Jones to confirm

5.3       Police community liaison report – liaison officer not able to attend

6        Kincraig Development Projects

6.1       Bus Shelter – Russell Jones (RJ)still trying to find out more on this

7        Correspondence

7.1       Antisocial behaviour in the village, email correspondence.- this has been handed to the police by the complainant

7.2       Speybank Path upgrade – to remove the steep access to the bridge over the burn

7.3       20mph review – Kincraig remains as currently signed.

7.4       A9 Crubenmore – work being done on the roadside barriers

RJ – is meeting with transport Scotland, need action on junctions / crossing A9 road  to improve safety pre any future dualling – any comments to Russell by week on Monday.

7.5       Wildlife Park Forestry Plan – response required – note that we have received

7.6       Cairngorm National Park Development plan – another survey, we need to question the number of surveys we received

7.7       Highland Council Ecology Meeting minutes passed out.

7.8       Kessock Bridge works – notification that the bridge will be affected.

7.9       Webinar  on Children in the Community- Johnny Freshwater to attend

7.10    Community Briefing 6/9 - issued

7.11    B&S Action Tracker – we are to forward our Kincraig Action Plan

7.12   Voice of Communities Survey -again we will forward them our action plan.

Concerns from the CC were raised about the number of surveys being carried out by so many different government bodies. Money is being wasted by survey after survey – this money could be better directed elsewhere in government.

Any Other Business –

Remembrance Sunday – need to order wreaths – SL & IA to liaise, date confirmed as Sunday 10th November 10.45am.

Seniors Festive Lunch – date to be liaised with the Seniors, same deal offered as last year by Loch Insh for a Wednesday.


Next meeting Tuesday 8th October